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Op avontuur met Donald Duck – 1983 – Stripgoed 9


Donald Duck
De reuzendiamanten

Donald Duck
(A Burgling Bridge Builder)

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Donald Duck
1 blz.
Tekeningen Mark de Jonge
Voorkomende figuren
Donald Duck, Kwik Kwek en Kwak (1), Oom Dagobert
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I AT 252-A (voorplaat)

I AT 252-A
Donald Duck
De reuzendiamanten
28 blz.
4 stroken per pagina
Tekst Gian Giacomo Dalmasso Tekeningen Giorgio Cavazzano
Voorkomende figuren
Donald Duck, Kwik Kwek en Kwak, Oom Dagobert, Otto van Drakenstein, Willie Wortel
A new planet, named Arancio (Orange), has been reached by a space probe. Ludwig Von Drake declares that the data sent by the probe are compatible with the existence of life forms on the planet. HDL devise a plan to lure Scrooge into organizing a mission to Arancio, in order to “spare themselves many hours of school”: they invite Scrooge to watch a TV broadcast about the new planet, and replace the expert’s audio with a tape pre-recorded by themselves. The tape does not mention life forms, because HDL know that Scrooge wouldn’t be particularly interested; instead, it says that Arancio is rich of a new element, baptized “tetracarbossidone”, which is four times harder than diamond. Scrooge falls into the trap, and orders Gyro to build him a spaceship in two weeks’ time. When the spaceship is ready, he asks Donald to go with him, but DD refuses, feigning a foot illness; HDL, who had foreseen DD’s refusal, are quick in offering their services, and immediately leave with their grand-uncle. However, Donald casually discovers the recorded tape, and promptly decides to follow Scrooge to Arancio: “if I expose the kids’ ruse, my uncle will be so grateful that he’ll cancel all my debts”. So, he asks Gyro to build him another spaceship – in a week’s time. In the meantime, Scrooge has landed on Arancio, and – surprise! – *really* finds the tetracarbossidone! However, the kids find something else: a wrecked spaceship, whose owners are a couple of aliens named Kiz and Koz. The aliens paralyze Scrooge and the kids with a ray gun, take the ducks’ spaceship and fly home to their distant planet. Luckily, Donald arrives with the second spaceship, and our heroes are able to get back home – taking 700 kilos of tetracarbossidone with them. A week later, Scrooge calls Donald to his office, to “set the records straight”; Donald hopes for a rich reward – after all, he saved everybody’s lives! But here’s Scrooge’s ways of setting records straight: DD’s reward: one billion dollars, cost of the 2nd spaceship: 1.5 billion dollars, to be paid by DD, price Scrooge is willing to pay to Donald for buying the 2nd spaceship, “now that it’s of no further use to you”: 100,000 $ Donald’s debt towards Scrooge, payable in working hours: 400,000 $. Donald reacts by violently kicking a bag of coins, and hurts his foot. Scrooge pulls his leg, reminding him of his pretended foot illness. Scrooge’s conclusion: “All’s well that ends well… or not?”.

D 2433
Donald Duck
(A Burgling Bridge Builder)
4 blz.
4 stroken per pagina
Tekst Benny Siewertsen Schetsen Antoni Gil-Bao Inkt ?
Voorkomende figuren
Donald Duck, Jonge Woudlopers
Saving general from bridge

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Gewicht 75 g